Archive Details

African Language Materials Archive

Repository NameAfrican Language Materials Archive
InstitutionThe West African Research Association, the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, Columbia University Libraries--African Studies, and the Information Society Division of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
LocationNo physical location: Digital Archive created by collaborationbetween multiple institutions.
Short Locationn/a
SynopsisThe African Language Materials Archive (ALMA) is an initiative of The West African Research Association (WARA), the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC), Columbia University Libraries--African Studies, and the Information Society Division of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This initiative aims at increasing dissemination of, and access to materials published in indigenous African languages through digital formats.
AccessAccess to web based content is open. The rights-holders of the texts have authorized users of this archive to reproduce, disseminate or otherwise use the material in hard copy or machine-readable form, provided that this is strictly limited to non-commercial, purposes.
ParticipantsMatthew Baxter (Compiler), Steven Bird (Compiler)
Base URL
OAI Version2.0
OLAC Version1.1
Records in Archive
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Last Harvested2024-07-25
Current As Of2008-09-23
Latest Datestamp2008-09-23
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Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 5:35:54 EDT 2024