Archive Details

The Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project (SLAAP)

Repository NameThe Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project (SLAAP)
InstitutionNorth Carolina Language and Life Project
LocationTompkins Hall, Campus Box 8105, Raleigh, NC 27695-8105 USA
Short LocationRaleigh, North Carolina
SynopsisThe Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project (SLAAP) is a web-based digitization and preservation project housed at North Carolina State University (USA), which features a growing archive of sociolinguistic audio recordings and their transcripts as well as a suite of tools for interacting with and analyzing the data. See for links to papers about SLAAP. SLAAP houses the recording collections and additional research materials, notes, and metadata for over 50 sociolinguistic research projects. In Summer 2012, we are working to expose information about many of these collections to OLAC and other language archive listing systems. At present, only a small percentage of the collections are exposed.
AccessMany of the collections housed in SLAAP are available to users with bona fide research interests. Please see the individual collections for availability, or contact the archive administrator for more information.
Submission PolicySLAAP is constantly adding new recording collections. If you are interested in the possibility of adding your data to the archive please contact the archive administrator.
ParticipantsTyler Kendall (Architect, administrator, co-director), Erik R. Thomas (Co-director), Walt Wolfram (Co-director)
Base URL
OAI Version2.0
OLAC Version1.1
Records in Archive
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Last Harvested2024-07-07
Current As Of2024-05-17
Latest Datestamp2024-05-17
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Up-to-date as of: Thu Feb 13 5:37:30 EST 2025