Archive Details

Academia Sinica Collections

Repository NameAcademia Sinica Collections
InstitutionInstitute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica
Short LocationTaipei, Taiwan
SynopsisDescribes three collections: Academia Sinica Formosan Language Archive, Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese, and Academia Sinica Tagged Corpus of Early Mandarin Chinese.
AccessThis notice regulates your usage of this web site and its associated services including interface, corpus data, segmenting and tagging standard, etc. All rights are reserved by Academia Sinica. In your research you may apply the data resulting from the searching processes of our interface systems. However, you are prohibited to abstract, alter or publish any searching results voluntarily. The copyright of corpus data is still reserved by original author or source and cannot be reproduced, copied or violate anything involving intellectual property.
ParticipantsElizabeth Zeitoun (Research Fellow)
Base URL
OAI Version2.0
OLAC Version1.1
Records in Archive
Faceted search
Last Harvested2024-07-25
Current As Of2003-03-05
Latest Datestamp2002-12-14
ReportsArchive Metrics and Integrity Checks
Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 5:35:52 EDT 2024