OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Bondo language

ISO 639-3: bfw

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Bhonda Bhasha, Bonda, Bondo-Poraja, Lower Bondo, Nanqa Poroja, Poraja Katha, Remo, Remosum, Upper Bondo

Use faceted search to explore resources for Bondo language.

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINEBondo Swadesh List. n.a. n.d. The Rosetta Project: A Long Now Foundation Library of Human Language. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_bfw_swadesh-1

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Bondo. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:bond1245
  2. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Bondo. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:bond1245
  3. ONLINEWALS Online Resources for Remo. n.a. 2022. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:wals.info:rem

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINEA Grammatical Sketch of Remo: A Munda Language. Fernandez, Frank. 1967. WALS Online RefDB. oai:refdb.wals.info:2327
  2. ONLINEBondo: a language of India. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:bfw
  3. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Bondo. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_bfw
  4. ONLINEThe Bonda and the Didayi from Malkangiri District, Orissa: A Preliminary Study. Mathew, Chacko; Chamberlain, Bradford. 2022. SIL International. oai:sil.org:92608
  5. ONLINEThe Bonda: Further Sociolinguistic Survey. Mathew, Chacko. 2022. SIL International. oai:sil.org:92609
  6. ONLINEA study in the design and impact of an oral/aural bridge component in second language literacy. Leslie, Holly A. 2009. SIL International. oai:sil.org:94790

Other known names and dialect names: Bhonda Bhasha, Bonda, Bondo-Poraja, Lower Bondo, Nanqa Poroja, Poraja Katha, Remo, Remosum, Upper Bondo

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 6:52:18 EDT 2024