OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Central Mnong language

ISO 639-3: cmo

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Bhiét, Biat, Bu Dang, Bu Nar, Bu Rung, Budang, Budong, Bunong, Di-Pri, Dih Bri, Central Mnong, Phanong, Phnong, Phong, Pnong, Pre, Preh

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Lexical resources

  1. Some languages of Siam. Sophana Srichampa; Thomas, David D.; Prachakitchakonrachak Phraya. 1995. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. oai:sil.org:756
  2. ONLINEមឞ្លាងនាវម៝សឞូន៝ង. n.a. 2016. SIL International. oai:sil.org:84310
  3. ONLINEមឞ្លាងនាវម៝សឞូន៝ង. n.a. 2016-05-07. SIL International. oai:webonary.org:48

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Central Mnong. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:cent1992
  2. A Phonology of Bunong (Central Mnong) in Cambodia. Bequette, Becky. 2005. SIL International. oai:sil.org:57669

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINEMnong, Central: a language of Viet Nam. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:cmo
  2. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Mnong, Central. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_cmo
  3. ONLINEMnong vowel variations with initial stops. Phillips, Richard L. 1973. SIL International. oai:sil.org:8188
  4. ONLINEA Mnong pedagogical grammar: The verb phrase and constructions with two or more verbs. Phillips, Richard L. 1973. SIL International. oai:sil.org:8197
  5. Em học vần: Lớp một. Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1971. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30779
  6. ONLINENau lăng săk jăn: Jrô nguay (Sách vệ sinh: Lớp một). Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1971. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30805
  7. ONLINEGâp nti ma mpô mpa: Jrô nguay (Em tìm-hiểu khoa-học: Lớp một). Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1971. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30831
  8. Gâp ntơm nti uănh 1-20 (Bộ bảng treo, em học vần tiếng Mnông). Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1972. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30835
  9. Gâp ntơm nti uănh, jrô mhe nti, kôq 1-3 (Em học vần, lớp vỡ lòng, phần 1-3). Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1971. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30844
  10. ONLINEGâp ntơm nti uănh, jrô mhe nti: Ndrom samƀŭt ma nơm nti (Em học vần, lớp vỡ lòng: Phần chỉ nam). Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1971. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30887
  11. ONLINENau nai dŏng rblang rup yông nti: Nti ma mpô mpa, nau lăng săk jăn, nuih nʼhâm ueh; jrô mhe nti: Ndrom samƀut ma nai nti (Môn học bằng bảng treo vệ-sinh, khoa-học, và đức-dục; lớp vỡ lòng: Phần chỉ nam). Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1972. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30918
  12. ONLINENkoch bri rhi yau nau vay Bu Nong: Jrô nguay (Sách phong-tục tập-quán của người Mnông: Lớp một). Kpơr, Y Kem; Mui, Dieu; Phillips, Richard L. 1971. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30920
  13. ONLINENau kơp, jrô mhe nti: Ndrom samƀŭt ma nơm nti (Em học toán, lớp vỡ lòng: Phần chỉ nam). Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1972. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30931
  14. ONLINEGâp nti nuih nʼhâm ueh: Jrô nguay. Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1971. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30938
  15. ONLINENti ngơi nau Bu Nong = Bài học tiếng Mnông = Central Mnong language lessons. Kpơr, Y Kem; Phillips, Richard L. 1974. Department of Education. oai:sil.org:30970
  16. ONLINEA computer analysis of Vietnam language relationships. Smith, Kenneth D. 1974. SIL International. oai:sil.org:40123
  17. ONLINEThe Bunong culture of silence: Exploring Bunong perspectives on participation at the interface between Bunong culture and development organisations.. Smith, Philip. 2010. SIL International. oai:sil.org:41807
  18. របបៀបការសរបសរពាកយពនង. Bequette, Todd. 2009. SIL International. oai:sil.org:51904
  19. An Animal Picture Book. n.a. 2003. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:61062
  20. The Story of Uncle Krak. n.a. 2005. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:61075
  21. ONLINEA Livelihood And Gender Study of Three Bunong Kroms. Bequette, Todd. 2004. SIL International. oai:sil.org:62015
  22. ONLINEBunong Alphabet Book. Bequette, Todd; Bequette, Becky. 2003. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63514
  23. ONLINEThe Gourd Head. Kroy Lonh. 2004. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63515
  24. ONLINEMonkey, What Do You See?. Kanjahn, Mimi; Bequette, Todd; Bequette, Becky. 2005. International Cooperation for Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63516
  25. ONLINEA Lesson for the Monkey. Bequette, Todd; Keo Serey Vuthi (translator). 2003. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63532
  26. ONLINEWhat to give little children to eat. Bequette, Todd; Bequette, Becky. 2004. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63535
  27. ONLINEThe Story of the Girl Gool. Me' Ngein. 2004. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63537
  28. ONLINEThe Story of the Spirit Kung Koeung. Me' Ngein. 2004. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63539
  29. ONLINEAn Animal Picture Book. Bequette, Todd. 2005. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63556
  30. ONLINEPlant Book. Bequette, Todd; Bequette, Becky. 2003. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63595
  31. ONLINEThe Rabbit Encounters Troubles. Bequette, Todd; Bequette, Becky. 2004. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63596
  32. ONLINELife Stories 2. Bequette, Todd. 2005. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63622
  33. ONLINEThe Story of the Elephant and the Tiger. Phloek Mal. 2004. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:63804
  34. ONLINEThe Crocodile and the Grandparents. Phloek Mal. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:64717
  35. ONLINEThe Story of the Wise Rabbit. Phloek Mal. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:64718
  36. ONLINEThe Elephant and the Tiger are Making Friends. Naret La. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:64719
  37. ONLINEA Collection of Short Folk Tales 1. Bequette, Todd. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:64720
  38. ONLINEThe Story of Little Pes. Bequette, Todd. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:64723
  39. ONLINEThe Story of the Foxes and the Shrimps. Phloek Mal. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:64783
  40. ONLINEThe Story of Bhlon Hyak. Me' Ngein. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:64788
  41. ONLINEThe Story of Grandmother and Grandfather Penh. Nheunh Treuy. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:64797
  42. ONLINEThe Story of Ndham Kaaraatong. Bequette, Todd. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:64799
  43. ONLINEនាវជីក្លើមដាសនាវនេៈស្រាច់. Bequette, Todd; Bequette, Becky. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:68117
  44. ONLINEឆាផៅរូបតើមឆី. Bequette, Todd; Bequette, Becky. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:68119
  45. ONLINEឆ៝តឹងនតូតឆុរ. Bequette, Todd; Bequette, Becky. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:68121
  46. ឆាផៅងក៝ចនាវឆាក់នើម ១. Bequette, Todd. 2006. International Cooperation Cambodia. oai:sil.org:68124

Other known names and dialect names: Bhiét, Biat, Bu Dang, Bu Nar, Bu Rung, Budang, Budong, Bunong, Di-Pri, Dih Bri, Central Mnong, Phanong, Phnong, Phong, Pnong, Pre, Preh

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 7:05:09 EDT 2024