OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Queyu language

ISO 639-3: qvy

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Choyo, Zhaba

Use faceted search to explore resources for Queyu language.

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 6. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-0743630f-abcd-4a2c-8363-0fabcdea2c9c
  2. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 5. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); 阿巴 (speaker); Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage (sponsor); 扎西大吉 (Bkra.shis Dar.Rgyas, Chinese: zhaxi daji) (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-31d7a5cf-b634-4924-97a5-cfb634b924be
  3. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 6. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-39dae67b-5b6c-4ae2-9ae6-7b5b6caae2f7
  4. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 3. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); 格桑翁姆 (speaker); Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage (sponsor); 扎西大吉 (Bkra.shis Dar.Rgyas, Chinese: zhaxi daji) (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-3e5f3c4f-2963-40da-9f3c-4f296390dab9
  5. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 4. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-40a0e5f8-aea3-4b7d-a0e5-f8aea34b7dbc
  6. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 4. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-426c4eb2-fc65-4182-ac4e-b2fc65d1821c
  7. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 6. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); 阿拉 (speaker); Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage (sponsor); 扎西大吉 (Bkra.shis Dar.Rgyas, Chinese: zhaxi daji) (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-480b3f4a-3ccb-4705-8b3f-4a3ccbe70590
  8. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 4. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); 罗绒顿珠 (speaker); Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage (sponsor); 扎西大吉 (Bkra.shis Dar.Rgyas, Chinese: zhaxi daji) (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-53161cff-00e4-403d-961c-ff00e4803dc7
  9. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 1. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-567294ba-63bf-4993-b294-ba63bfb9939e
  10. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 2. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-5c0fbc56-16c5-4452-8fbc-5616c534520b
  11. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 1. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-67d3b088-7732-4a85-93b0-8877328a8568
  12. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 3. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-6c3e5b35-15bf-47be-be5b-3515bf97be03
  13. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 7. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-72498535-fdfe-4430-8985-35fdfe14304e
  14. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 1. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); 土登 (speaker); Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage (sponsor); 扎西大吉 (Bkra.shis Dar.Rgyas, Chinese: zhaxi daji) (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-9b8d064c-70e2-4baa-8d06-4c70e21baa3f
  15. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 2. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); 昂瓦 (speaker); Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage (sponsor); 扎西大吉 (Bkra.shis Dar.Rgyas, Chinese: zhaxi daji) (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-a2657da1-600a-40c9-a57d-a1600a10c9d8
  16. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 2. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-bb27f3d9-d1aa-4cfd-a7f3-d9d1aa7cfd3c
  17. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 3. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-c4f0cdf6-2c97-4bd0-b0cd-f62c971bd017
  18. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 7. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); 阿昂 (speaker); Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage (sponsor); 扎西大吉 (Bkra.shis Dar.Rgyas, Chinese: zhaxi daji) (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-db2fb580-fe94-4db0-afb5-80fe940db063
  19. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 5. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-de2fcf2a-5cc5-4bf7-afcf-2a5cc56bf723
  20. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 5. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-de7e01fa-1ba1-4448-be01-fa1ba15448ec
  21. ONLINEElicited Words from Speaker 7. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher). 2024. Smithsonian institute, center for folklife and cultural heritage. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-f10fa25a-11d2-4812-8fa2-5a11d2481294

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Queyu. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:quey1238

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINEQueyu: a language of China. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:qvy
  2. ONLINEChinese word list 1-118. Xuan (researcher); Qingmei (consultant); Grandma (consultant). 2018-08-06. Xuan Guan. oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1218760
  3. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Queyu. Damir Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2017-09-27. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_qvy
  4. ONLINEIntroduction of Jiamu, the primary language consultant for this project. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); Jiamu (speaker); Qingmei Lamu (recorder). 2022. Centre national de la recherche scientifique. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-89f7ca6e-abbb-47e9-b7ca-6eabbb57e9a8
  5. ONLINEIntroduction of Jiamu, the primary language consultant for this project. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); Jiamu (speaker); Qingmei Lamu (recorder). 2022. Centre national de la recherche scientifique. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-4f0526b5-eaef-4faf-8526-b5eaef4faf79
  6. ONLINEIntroduction to local animals names. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); Jiamu (speaker); Qingmei Lamu (recorder). 2022. Centre national de la recherche scientifique. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-fa897272-412a-4a2e-8972-72412a2a2e03
  7. ONLINEIntroduction to local animals names. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); Jiamu (speaker); Qingmei Lamu (recorder). 2022. Centre national de la recherche scientifique. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-5c46c00e-5dd6-4d98-86c0-0e5dd6ed98d1
  8. ONLINEThree traditional dances and songs in the Queyu language. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); Langji, Shibo (speaker); Wumu, Lamu (speaker); Suoxi, Gesang (speaker); Qingmei Lamu (recorder). 2022. Centre national de la recherche scientifique. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-16fd3eaa-f702-450e-bd3e-aaf702650e89
  9. ONLINEThree traditional dances and songs in the Queyu language. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); Langji, Shibo (speaker); Wumu, Lamu (speaker); Suoxi, Gesang (speaker); Qingmei Lamu (recorder). 2022. Centre national de la recherche scientifique. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-fe597c26-20a0-44f5-997c-2620a074f53f
  10. ONLINEIntroduction to different local plants. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); Asang (speaker); Qingmei Lamu (recorder). 2022. Centre national de la recherche scientifique. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-56fa808d-eef5-4676-ba80-8deef546766d
  11. ONLINEIntroduction to different local plants. Sims, Nathaniel (depositor); Sims, Nathaniel (researcher); Asang (speaker); Qingmei Lamu (recorder). 2022. Centre national de la recherche scientifique. oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-aa87f160-46e0-41d6-87f1-6046e011d684

Other known names and dialect names: Choyo, Zhaba

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Wed Oct 23 7:17:27 EDT 2024