OLAC Record

Title:Outdoor shots of Ikakumo on a day one day before the market day
0259-00000000 - Outdoor shots of Ikakumo on a day one day before the market day
Farming, food and yam: language and cultural practices among Ikaan speakers
Contributor:Rebecca Olaniyi
Vincent Ojo Omogboye
Maria Ioanna Tzika
Description:These short video clips show shots of Ikakumo village in the afternoon on the day before the next market day. We see men sitting outside the Ebadibo compound, people passing by the pharmacy, and at the end we see Rebecca fetching water and talking to people and the small children.
Language_Name: Ikaan Language_Region: Africa Language_Country: Nigeria Project_Status: Complete Year: 2011 Start_Date: 2011-10-01 End_Date: 2013-09-30
Identifier (URI):https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1063742%23
Publisher:Sophie Salffner
School of Oriental and African Studies
Subject:Observational Filming


Archive:  Endangered Languages Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1063742
DateStamp:  2017-05-13
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Rebecca Olaniyi; Vincent Ojo Omogboye; Maria Ioanna Tzika. 2012-06-18. Sophie Salffner.

Up-to-date as of: Mon Oct 18 18:48:59 EDT 2021