OLAC Record

Title:Alice & Buster Gene Interview
Access Rights:standard
Description:Old camp near mile 13, Skookum John's camp. Skookum John's fish camp down the hill directly across the road from the old camp. Muskrat trapping there also. Maggie Joe's Mother used to camp near mile 13. Came down from Fox Lake and camped there. Back along the little lake there was Alice Gene's Dad's cache. Where they are is near where the backscatter project is. Elsie Tyone was supposed to have the land. There used to be a can with a piece of paper in it to lay claim to the land. Native allotment. A cabin was found near the trail. 8 or 9 kids buried around the area. They think that Skookum John was buried there. He was married to Jesse Nicholai's sister, Annie John. Bacille EWan worked for the man that lived there in the area. Skookum John came from Gakona. His trail and fish camp is located near where the backscatter project is located. He camped there for hunting and trapping. Alice's Dad was brother to Skookum John. They shared the area for hunting and fishing. Fox Lake, Tulsona, need map to locate all the trails and their names. Lots of stories on this tape. Different ones and then relational stories. No name for the place in Ahtna language. Ben Ggaay? Bill Joe had a steam bath around the area and was training kids. He made it with the kids. Cook c'encaes there. Used to camp and cook right there. Moved through spruce forest and now moving along the river trails. Found old timer trap or snare. Used trail last in 1939 sometime around those years for trapping. Old drum stove over by the trail. The old man used to pack ice from the lake. Moved because it was hard to get water. Road built there around 1927 or 1928. Used moss to make good thick mattress. 1929 he was on the road all ready. Story about Skookum John broke his leg. Smoke used to keep bugs away. All they can cut for fish. There was no limit on how much they could get. Talk about baling fish and how they smoke the fish. Lt Allen walked the trails up that way. Some stories in books don't tell the truth about him. Another trail that goes up to Meyers Lake where Buster and his Dad used to camp when they hunt for moose. Stories about trails by Buster Gene. . Language as given: aht
Format:Digitised: 0; Media: compact cassette; Media description: Maxwell UR 90
Language (ISO639):aht
Subject:Ahtena language
English language
Subject (ISO639):aht


Archive:  C'ek'aedi Hwnax Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/ahtnaheritagefoundation.com
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:ahtnaheritagefoundation.com:OTHB01-0013-01
DateStamp:  1988-09-14
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: n.a. 1988-09-14. C'ek'aedi Hwnax Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive.
Terms: area_Americas area_Europe country_GB country_US iso639_aht iso639_eng

Inferred Metadata

Country: United KingdomUnited States
Area: AmericasEurope

Up-to-date as of: Mon Apr 28 0:10:43 EDT 2014