OLAC Record

Title:The history of the people in Cuyabeno
Documenting Ecuadorian Siona Linguistic Variation: The collection and annotation of a sociolinguistically and culturally informed video corpus.
Contributor:Martine Bruil
Contributor (annotator):Lusdari Payaguaje
Contributor (researcher):Martine Bruil
Contributor (speaker):Wilian Criollo
Rafael Yiyocuro
Rogelio Criollo
Description:Wilian, Rafael and Rogelio talk about the history of the people in Cuyabeno. They talk about the war between the Siona and the Tetete.
Rogelio and Wilian are father and son. Rafael is Rogelio's cousin. They are three respected members of the community with considerable knowledge of the history of their people. Lusdari, the transcriber, has no relation to the speakers.
Wilian was born in Puerto Bolívar. His parents are Rogelio Criollo and Eva Merino. His siblings are Irma Criollo, Gladis Criollo, Maritza Criollo, Alicia Criollo and Rodolfo Criollo. Wilian has had various important positions in the Siona government and he was the director of the local government during the project. Wilian lives with his Cofán wife and children in Puerto Bolívar.
Rafael was born in Puerto Bolívar where is living now again with his wife and children. Rafael is Alicia's and Olmedo's brother. Rafael's mother was Cofán and his father was Siona. Rafael is one of the village shamans who gives tourist presentations.
Rogelio was born in Puerto Bolivar, where he still lives with his wife Eva Merino. They have 6 children: Irma, Wilian, Gladis, Maritza, Witman, Alicia y Rodolfo. Rogelio is Ligia's older brother.
Martine started working with the Ecuadorian Siona in June 2010 when she was a PhD student.
Lusdari was trained as a transcriber by Anne Schwarz. She is a native speaker of Secoya and understands Siona therefore very well. She grew up in Bella Vista, a Secoya village on the Aguarico river.
Identifier (URI):https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1104003%23
Publisher:Martine Bruil
Universiteit Leiden
Siona language
Ecuadorian Siona
Spanish language
Subject (ISO639):snn


Archive:  Endangered Languages Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1104003
DateStamp:  2019-05-01
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Wilian Criollo (speaker); Rafael Yiyocuro (speaker); Rogelio Criollo (speaker); Martine Bruil; Martine Bruil (researcher); Lusdari Payaguaje (annotator). 2014-06-15. Martine Bruil.
Terms: area_Americas area_Europe country_CO country_ES iso639_snn iso639_spa

Inferred Metadata

Country: ColombiaSpain
Area: AmericasEurope

Up-to-date as of: Mon Oct 18 18:23:14 EDT 2021