OLAC Record

Title:Videorecordings of a Turkish homesigner child: Transparency task
THS corpus
Contributor (recorder):FK
Contributor (researcher):AO
Description:Session 1: Child does the Transparency Task
This corpus concerns Turkish homesign data recorded in Istanbul in 2006-2011 / late. Each subject has been recorded 6-9 times over a period of approximately a year. The video registrations consist of: *the VIGNETTE task by the CHILD to the Experimenter WITH and WITHOUT the book *the VIGNETTE task by the CHILD to the Mother WITH and WITHOUT the book *the VIGNETTE task by the MOTHER to the child WITH the book *the TRANSPARENCY task Beginning and End by CHILD *PLAY sessions with toys / interacting spontaniously by CHILD The sessions in this corpus are named as follows - examples: *TDC_L_EC_Vign_C_E_b_S04 Turkish Deaf Children_Late_Initials subject_Vignette task_Child_to Experimenter_with book_day session 4 *TDC_L_EC_Vign_C_M_S06 Turkish Deaf Children_Late_Initials subject_Vignette task_Child_to Mother without book_day session 6 *TDC_L_EC_Vign_M_C_b_S08 Turkish Deaf Children_Late_Initials subject_Vignette task_Mother_to Child_with book_day session 8 *TDC_L_EC_TransE_S03 Turkish Deaf Children_Late_Initials subject_Transparency task End_session 3 *TDC_L_EC_Play_S04_02 Turkish Deaf Children_Late_Initials subject_Play session_day session 4_number 2
The Transparency task was designed to test whether speakers would extend the word order pattern of their languages to the pictorial modality. The participants were shown on a computer screen vignettes that depicted events and then asked to reconstruct these events by using sets of transparent pictures. A black line drawing of the entities in each event (e.g., woman, knob) and a black cartoon drawing of the action in the event (e.g., an arrowed line representing the twisting motion) were placed on separate transparencies. Participants were given pictures which depicted either the beginning or the end scene of each event. They were asked to reconstruct the event by stacking the transparencies one by one onto a peg to form a single representation. Participants were given no indication that the order in which they stacked the transparencies was the focus of the study. For this Transparency task session: Transparency Task: Beginning
BS is the experimenter of the sessions. She gives instructions and plays with the child. During these sessions BS and FK sometimes switch.
EC is a male Turkish home signer child.
FK is the recorder of the sessions. During these sessions FK and BS sometimes switch.
Publisher:Asli Ozyurek
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Subject:Movie description
Undetermined language
Turkish Homesign
Subject (ISO639):und


Archive:  The Language Archive at the MPI for Psycholinguistics
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:www.mpi.nl:1839_00-0000-0000-0013-31AE-D
DateStamp:  2017-02-14
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: AO (researcher); BS; EC; FK (recorder). 2008-05-10. Asli Ozyurek.
Terms: iso639_und

Inferred Metadata


Up-to-date as of: Wed Apr 12 4:34:10 EDT 2017