OLAC Record

The documentation of Baure
Contributor (speaker):DC
Description:elicitation on discourse particle =nish, =ensh, and =ish
DC (female) DC was born in Baures in 1932 and is one of the best speakers of baure. She spoke Baure to her husband and parents. Her husband died in 2003. She works as a washerwoman and makes chicha, chivé, and different types of oil: cusi oil, totaí oil, motacú oil, cow bone oil...
DC nació en Baures en 1932 y es uno de los mejores hablantes del baure. Ella hablaba baure con su marido y sus padres. Su marido falleció en 2003. Ella trabaja como lavandera y hace chicha, chivé, y varias clases de aceite: de cusi, totaí, motacú, huesos del buey...
Swintha Danielsen is a doctor of linguistics and is practically administrating and organizing the Baure documentation project. She worked already in Baures between 2003 and 2007 and wrote her PhD thesis on the Baure language. Her research foci are the Baure dialects, hisorical dialect formation and Baure language history in general. In addition she is working on specific Baure morphological features and compares them within the whole Arawakan phylum.
ISO 639-3: brg
Publisher:The Documentation of Baure
University of Leipzig
Baure language
Spanish language
Subject (ISO639):brg


Archive:  The Language Archive at the MPI for Psycholinguistics
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:www.mpi.nl:1839_00-0000-0000-001A-ABAE-F
DateStamp:  2017-02-23
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: DC (speaker); Swintha. 2006-03-09. The Documentation of Baure.
Terms: area_Americas area_Europe country_BO country_ES iso639_brg iso639_spa

Inferred Metadata

Country: BoliviaSpain
Area: AmericasEurope

Up-to-date as of: Wed Apr 12 8:09:07 EDT 2017