OLAC Record

Title:The legend of Keikahanui
The documentation of the Marquesan languages and culture in French Polynesia
Gaby Cablitz
Contributor (annotator):Gaby Cablitz
Coverage:French Polynesia
Description:This is the legend of Keikahanui, a warrior from Nuku Hiva. Keikahanui was originally from the valley of Hatihe'u belonging to the Taipi tribe. Keikahanui's wife comes from the valley of Hakaui inhabitated by the Tei'i tribe which is in constant warfare with the Taipi tribe. Keikahanui's wife is the sister of a warrior of Hakaui. They live near Hakau'i. In this version, his brother-in-law tells Keikahanui one day that they are going to war with the Taipi at Hatihe'u. The Hakau'i people leave for Hatihe'u, and shortly after leaving, Keikahanui is on his way to Hatihe'u, taking shortcuts through the mountains, to warn his people about the planned attack on Hatihe'u by the Hakau'i warriors. Keikahanui fights the battle with his people who win over the Hakau'i. After the battle Keikahanui rushes back to Hakau'i in order not to be discovered by the Hakau'i. After his return to Hakau'i Keikahanui gets sea urchins from the reef and puts it on his body/leg; the sea urchins quickly start to develop a very unpleasant smell and he pretends to have been ill. In this version, the narrator does not know precisely what had happened to Keikahanui in the end. He tells us that his brother-in-law recognised him during the battle at Hatihe'u, but the narrator thinks that he fled with his wife to Hatihe'u and lived there till the end of his days.
The project documents several different aspects of the Marquesan culture (legends, narratives, food preparation, plant medicine, fishing techniques, Marquesan trick languages, songs, dances etc.)
This file was generated from an IMDI 1.9 file and transformed to IMDI 3.0. The substructure of Genre is replaced by two elements named "Genre" and "SubGenre". The original content of Genre substructure was: Interactional = 'Unspecified', Discursive = 'Unspecified', Performance = 'historical-narrative'. These values have been added as Keys to the Content information.
Au is making a living as a wood carver selling objects to tourists. Au is literate.
former Ph.D-student at the MPI for Psycholinguistics at the language acquisition section (W.Klein); four field trips to North Marquesas islands (Nuku Hiva, Ua Pou) collecting adult as well as child data
Publisher:Gaby Cablitz, George Teikiehuupoko (Marquesas), Edgar Tetahiotupa (Tahiti)
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics; Académie Marquisienne (Tuhuna 'Eo 'Enata)
Subject:North Marquesan language
Marquesan, North
French language
Tahitian language
Subject (ISO639):mrq


Archive:  The Language Archive at the MPI for Psycholinguistics
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:www.mpi.nl:1839_00-0000-0000-0001-3B4C-7
DateStamp:  2017-02-14
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Au; Gaby Cablitz; Gaby Cablitz (annotator). 1995-10-30. Gaby Cablitz, George Teikiehuupoko (Marquesas), Edgar Tetahiotupa (Tahiti).
Terms: area_Europe area_Pacific country_FR country_PF iso639_fra iso639_mrq iso639_tah

Inferred Metadata

Country: FranceFrench Polynesia
Area: EuropePacific

Up-to-date as of: Wed Apr 12 11:03:46 EDT 2017